Campaigns are won through presentation.

We offer custom software solutions that can turn the tides of an election through stunning web design, email templates, data analytics, low 3.1% transaction fees, and more.
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies for exceptional results.
    • Next.js
    • GitLab
    • Figma
    • GraphQL
    • Python
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Material UI
    • Vercel

Craft your digital experience with Poetide.

First impressions matter, especially in the world of politics where every interaction with voters can be the difference-maker. A strong digital presence can provide the edge in a close race, allowing candidates to control the narrative, connect with voters, solicit donations, and increase their social media engagement.

Bespoke Web Design

Attract young voters with a modern web design. Our mobile-first layouts, simple donation forms, and aesthetic animated designs will help you stand out from the competition instantly.

First-Class Performance

Experience lightning fast page load times on any device (even 3G) with our edge-optimized deployments. A three second page load time affects retention, bouncing > 90% of users.

Rich Data Analytics

Unlock your website's full potential with our custom analytics tooling that provides detailed real-time insights on user behavior, drop-off points, demographics, and more.

Premium Email Templates

Crafted by our team of design and engineering experts, these bespoke modern templates will load rapidly, look sleeker, and will make your emails stand out in the inbox.

Seamless Donation Processing

We have the lowest transaction fee in the industry, at a mere flat 3.1%. This undercuts WinRed and ActBlue by over .75%! Play around with our A/B optimized donation forms today.

Multi-Language Support

Effortlessly reach a global audience with automatic and instant language localization. It has never been easier to communicate with a more diverse group of demographics than now.

Custom Feature Development

From interactive quick-forms and live twitter feeds to ad-optimized retargeting solutions and custom data integrations, we tailor all our solutions to fit your unique needs.

Accesibility Support (WCAG)

Our platform prioritizes accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities. Our websites are built with WCAG guidelines in mind, and are tested using assistive devices.

Checkout faster with Stripe

An intuitive workflow
We determine the list of supported payment methods via the donor's location, and automatically prioritize ones that will help increase the rate of conversion for your campaign.
Lower transaction fees.
At a flat 3.1% transaction fee, we offer the industry's best pricing, saving you millions of dollars.
Fully encrypted.
We securely process donor data, complying with PCI standards to ensure privacy during the transaction.
Friendly design.
Using a well-known checkout interface such as Stripe increases conversion via simplicity and familiarity.

Engage your audience with animations

A vivid user experience
Our elegant library of simple animated components fosters a sense of unity, safety, and motivation for your users. They are optimized for aesthetics, animations, and performance.
Fluid visuals.
At 60fps, our personalized animation and gesture-based controls are fast, interactive, and beautiful.
Fully accessible.
For users that prefer reduced motion, we automatically replace animations with rich static designs.
Rapid prototyping.
Our team of designers and engineers are trained to fulfill bespoke requests with fast turnaround times.

Our pricing

We guarantee your satisfaction with our unparalleled design and engineering services.

Firm Retention

Please contact us anytime and we'll respond within 24 hours, including weekends.


  • Personalized Web Design
  • Realtime Data Analytics
  • Low 3.1% Transaction Fees
  • Accessibility & Localization
  • A/B Tested Email Templates
  • SEO & Advertising Optimizations
  • 24/7 On-Call Software Engineers
  • Custom Feature & Data Integrations
From prices starting at